Test automation is essential to digital success

If conscientious development is the soul of an application, prolific testing is its heart, without that no product can thrive in the physical world. The testing technique is thought to be an essential software development step that validates the functionality and performance of software and applications.
Because application and software development is a time-consuming process, to do it manually has its own drawbacks, including:

  • Human errors along with delays
  • The high amount of time consumption
  • Varied test outcomes with different QAs
  • Lack of Reliability and consistency

To get rid of such drawbacks and to move the business up in the race, organizations should undertake automated testing into consideration.
With Stridely’s automated testing services, businesses can effectively remove all of these and many other hidden flaws in their testing procedure and obtain end products that are unparalleled in terms of effectiveness and quality.


Our engagement approach

The key factor to any successful automation testing is the methodological and intelligent approach used. Stridely Solutions is an IT Mogul, so we value all levels of engagement with our clients.

Automated Manufacturing Strategy

Our automation strategy is modular and integrated from the beginning, with the use of a proof of concept (POC), API-driven testing approach, and graphical user interface testing. Using each of these automation methodologies, our testers will create execution infrastructures tailored to your environment.



Tools used for Automated Testing

The tools chosen for the job influence the success of every operation. Stridely Solution has a team of IT consultants and QAs who are experts in all of the leading automation tools, including Ranorex, mabl, Squish, TestCraft, Testim, and others. They are in charge of the entire tool implementation process, as well as the analysis process and driving dependable solutions. We can also help you if you want to create your own testing suite.



Automation Specialists

Our team is made up of experienced as well as seasoned automation-certified experts from almost every domain, ensuring that you get the most out of your investment.



24*7 Maintenance & Support System

No service is complete without a dedicated support system, and Stridely Solutions is well aware of this fact. We have a dedicated team of executives ready to listen to your questions, provide immediate assistance, and investigate any further after-sales issues. Our in-house team of executives understands the importance of every single query and keeps the relevant department informed from the moment you contact them.



Best Automation Testing Practices

Our secret to success is strict adherence to the industry’s best work ethics and practices while developing customized QA automation testing services for our clients. We provide accessible and viable testing solutions to our clients while maintaining a constant focus on quality over quantity to see them reach soaring heights.



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Your search for automated testing ends at the doorstep of Stridely

Stridely Solutions, a renowned IT partner and service provider, is known for providing its clients with comprehensive automation services. Rather than using conventional automation testing alternatives, our experts go the extra mile to design solutions that are tailored to your needs and simple to implement in the client’s ecosystem. Our broad coverage enables us to reach an increasing number of consumers while we provide support to the IT industry across all verticals. We aim to maximize our client’s ROI by conducting testing on all platforms that they used in day-to-day operations.
Test Process Automation Poster


Our partner ecosystem

Bringing together the best of our partner network to create competitive advantage of your business.