Enabling SSO between Your On-Premise and Cloud Application

Stridely Solutions
Enabling SSO between Your On-Premise and Cloud Application

Enabling SSO between Your On-Premise and Cloud Application

SSO refers to a Single Sign-On portal for the users, enabling them to use one as their user credentials to access all their apps on the web in the cloud and behind the firewall. This has proved to be a blessing for the users that saves time and ensures various other benefits. The companies have now got something that provides multiple benefits to them with a single login.

Here is a brief discussion about how these two systems work and what is the need of each one of them in an organization:

  • Cloud SSO: It does not support access to the applications that are popular on-premises applications. Such applications include PeopleSoft, e-business suite. It also lacks the support for the patterns which are integrated like Gerber’s, Header based authentication and IWA
  • On-premise SSO: These lack the key carriers required to support the applications on the cloud, including popular apps like Office 365 , Salesforce, and AWS. It also lacks the new age features of security, which are needed in the public networks, like password less access to the network and the Ability to endure easy scaling of cloud traffic support.
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